Monday, September 17, 2012

In this assignment we had to create a CD cover. We learned layers and art elements. I liked messing with the colors. I didn't like drawing stuff. My favorite part was the back. My least favorite part was the background of the front.


  1. As you can see I am the first to comment on this picture. Should it be nice, or should it be mean. Well... the cd front cover is too dull, nothing hits me in the face. However the back cover is fun, colorful, and looks amazing. Although the songs are old and oversang, I would give the front cover a 4/10. And the back cover a 9/10. Thank you and have a good day.

  2. This is a really cool album album cover. I really like way you dude with the smudge tool for the back cover. The front cover is very simple but it is to the point and its compensated with the back cover. I really liked your art.

    Chandler Jay

  3. DJ Dagger? Pretty creative.

    I like the background for the back but you can't really see the song titles. The front cover is really simple but I like it. It's very nice. My favorite was the backcover though.
